Small Dog Daycare in Audubon, PA

Safe & Fun Daycare for Puppies & Dogs Under 30 Pounds

As pet parents, leaving our furry friends in someone else's care can be a challenging experience, especially when it comes to small dogs. At K9 Resorts Luxury Pet Hotel Audubon, we understand these concerns and are committed to providing a safe, enjoyable doggie daycare specifically designed for small dogs.

Specialized Care for Small Dogs

Our daycare facility is staffed with specially trained and certified professionals who focus on creating a safe and engaging environment for small dogs. We recognize that small dogs may face difficulties in larger group settings, so we prioritize their safety and comfort.


Audubon Small Dog Daycare staff providing loving care to a group of small dogs.


To learn more about our Audubon small dog daycare program, call us at (610) 595-9030 or contact us online today.

Comprehensive Evaluation Process

Due to their size and vulnerabilities, small dogs require extra care and attention. Our initial step involves evaluating each dog to ensure they are suited for group play. We assess their temperament, behavior, and compatibility with other dogs. If a dog is more comfortable with one-on-one attention, we can provide personalized care to meet their needs.

Gradual Introduction to Group Play

We encourage owners to leave their dogs for the entire day to help them acclimate to the environment. Dogs are introduced to the group one at a time to ensure a smooth transition. Social interaction with other dogs is essential for their mental stimulation and can help prevent negative behaviors, such as separation anxiety and excessive barking.

Separate Play Groups for Optimal Safety

Our daycare facility is designed to accommodate dogs of various sizes and temperaments. We have two primary playgroups: one for dogs 30 pounds and over, and another for dogs 30 pounds and under. Each group is supervised by specialized personnel and follows strict safety standards. The play equipment is tailored to the size of the dogs, ensuring an appropriate and enjoyable play experience for all.

The Benefits of Our Doggy Daycare for Small Dogs

At K9 Resorts Luxury Pet Hotel Audubon, we understand that every dog is unique, and their needs should be met accordingly. That's why we offer a dedicated daycare program specifically designed for small dogs. By providing a safe and nurturing environment tailored to their size and play style, we ensure your furry friend has the best possible experience.


Here's how your small dog will benefit from our separate playgroups:

  • Safety and Injury Prevention: Small dogs are more vulnerable to injuries when around larger dogs. Our separated playgroups minimize the risk of accidents and ensure a safer environment for your pet.
  • Comfort and Confidence: Small dogs can feel intimidated by larger dogs. Our daycare allows them to socialize and play with other small dogs, boosting their confidence and comfort.
  • Tailored Play Styles: Small dogs often have different play styles than larger dogs. Our dedicated playgroups ensure that they can engage in activities that are more suitable for their size and preferences.
  • Specialized Care: Small dogs may have specific care needs that are better addressed in a group tailored to their size, such as feeding and potty break schedules.
  • Enhanced Supervision: Our dedicated staff can provide more focused supervision, ensuring that each small dog receives the appropriate attention and care during their stay.
Happy owners checking their furry friend into doggy daycare for small dogs in Audubon

Your Small Dog's Happy Place Awaits!

Sending a small dog to daycare can be nerve-wracking, but at K9 Resorts Luxury Pet Hotel Audubon, we prioritize your pet's happiness and safety. Our trained and certified staff understand the unique needs of small dogs and customize our services accordingly. With personalized attention, safe playgroups, and ample exercise, we ensure your small dog has a delightful experience.


Whether you need pet care for a few hours or an entire day, we provide a safe and fun environment for your small pup while you're away.

Call (610) 595-9030 or contact us online to learn more about our small dog daycare program in Audubon, PA!